CAZ Photo printer policy

Students are given a print allowance that may vary depending on their major,
You can check your account balance here

When students run out of their print allowance they will not be able to go to ICT and just ask for an increase. In an effort to reduce the budget of printing, the school has decided to no longer pay for printing that goes beyond the initial allowance.

There are a few things students can do if they run out of money.
The first is to go to Mike Granan and ask if they have any available funds from a rollover. What this means is that if the student had previous funds that they didn't use in a previous semester they could be rolled forward and they could use them now. ICT is looking at a way to do a rollover of every student, but for the time being they need to go see Mike.

If the student doesn't have any rollover, or uses that up they can add money by going through the printing link on myCaz. If the student can't afford to put money onto their account and needs to print they should be directed to the Dean – Sharon Dettmer. There are some options available for them to get printing money through other funds on campus.

If a student prints something and the printer creates an error – for example, the paper runs out or the heads were dirty, the student can get money back for the print. They need to keep the print and take it to Mike Granan (or ICT) and they will be reimbursed.

Caz Photo Blog: Lab Info Link

Print Costs:
Color 8.5×11" Single Sided $0.30
Color 11×17" Single Sided $0.50
B/W 8.5×11" Single Sided $0.10
*Prints to the Ricoh (copier) are only $.02

Wide-format Canon and HP prints $0.02 per square inch

(Wide format costs are based on the size of paper you are working with, minimize your costs by using only as much paper as necessary. To calculate your cost: width x length x .02)