Set Custom White Balance Settings on Canon Rebel T3 Series
By Julie Adair King If none of the preset white balance options on your Canon Rebel T3 or T3i produces the right amount of color correction, you can create a custom white balance setting. To use this technique, you need a piece of card stock thats either neutral gray or absolute white not eggshell white, sand white, or any other close-but-not-perfect white. Position the reference card so that it receives the same lighting youll use for your photo. Then follow these steps: 1) Set
the camera to the P, Tv, Av, M, or A-DEP exposure mode. 2) Set the White Balance setting to Auto (AWB). 3) Set the camera to manual focusing. 4) Frame
the shot so that your reference white card fills the viewfinder. 5)Take
the picture of your reference card.
6) Display Shooting Menu 2 and highlight Custom White Balance. 7) Press
Set. 8) Press
Set to select the displayed image as the source for your custom white
balance reference. 9)
Press the right or left cross key to highlight OK and then press Set. 10) Press Set one more time to finalize the custom setting. Your custom
White Balance setting remains stored until the next time you work your
way through these steps. Anytime youre shooting in the same lighting
conditions and want to apply the same white balance correction, just press
the WB button (top cross key) or use the Quick Control screen to access
the White Balance settings and then select the Custom option. |