Title of the Show or production
Main artist, Artists or group of artists
What is this show about? What connects the work- why are these pieces together
Your first impressions of the space- your expectations of the show.
Describe the overall look of the show- layout, lighting graphics, information..Overall Look of the show
Title /Date
Piece that you like -/Title /Date leave blank if not provided
Name of Artist
What is it made of, what form of art is it
Medium (what it is made of) What does it look like?
What you Liked- Why you liked it
Analyze the image- how does it relate to what you have learned about ART. Does it fit into any category we studied? How does it fit into the history of art making?
Piece that you DIDN'T like -Title/Date leave blank if not provided
What is it made of, what form of art is itName of Artist
Why you didn't like it
Anything you would tell the artist about the work.