Criticizing Photographs Assignment

This assignment gets you started in examining photographs and articulating your impressions both in writing and in class.
Using the information found in Terry Barrett's Book "Criticizing Photographs, an Introduction to Understanding Images" (excerpted here) you will examine in depth one photograph found on the Masters-of-Photography web-site. Browse through the photographers on the site to find work that interests you or really disturbs you. Pick one photograph to criticize using the worksheet below to help you organize.
Feel free to mention other photographs and photographers as you compare/contrast this image.

Use the images found on this site because we will also refer to these images from my disk on the TV when you talk about this work in class.

This should be a short typed paper. If you have the capability of including the image in your printout, download the image and place it in your document (this is not required). This is a warm-up to the final assignment when you will pick an artist you are inspired by and do research to create work emulating this artist's style.

-----------------Sugested outline - feel free to modify ------------------------------------------------

Artist: Name ____________________________
Title of Work: ______________________________________________Date of Work__________

Artist’s personal history: background, schooling, training, time period and location.

Other influences, motivations:

Criticizing The artist’s work:
“The informed discourse about art to increase understanding and appreciation of art.”

Describe - What do you see, what do you know? subject, medium, form, style...

Interpret - What choices has the artist made? What is implied beyond the surface image? Does this work remind you of anything, can you compare it to any other work?

Evaluate - Praise/Judge Does it affect you? Does it evoke an emotional response?

Theorize - is it art? If not, what is it? Who is the intended audience?

Your general impressions:
What remains lingering in your head? What impressed you? What do you agree or disagree with?