Solarization or
the Sabattier Effect is the process of re-exposing photographic paper
during the development process. The result is an eerie silver image
which contains light lines between the shadows and the highlighted areas.
Areas that have
been exposed the least are affected the most during the re-exposure
of the print. The darker areas or shadows on the prints show little
change during the solarization process.
- In the dark room to create a Bas Relief image you would
combine a positive and negative of the same image copied on continous
tone film, which was then sandwiched slightly out of position in the
negative carrier. Depending on how the the film was sandwiched would
change which side the shadows would appear. The result of this could
be quite abstract, with some thought needing to be given to the subject
of your image. The best images used are those with strong textual or
graphic qualities.
Camera Techniques---------------------
or multiple exposure-
1)exposing the film more
than once without advancing the film. Some cameras have this as a built
in feature, some need to be tricked to shoot the second time without
advancing the film.
2) opening the shutter (camera on tripod) in a darkened room
and using a spot or flashlight to paint with light on your
3) Run the film through the camera twice. Mark how your film
lines up when you load your camera, shoot first exposures on the roll
and then rewind the film but not all the way. Reload the same film in
the camera and make 2nd exposures on top of the first.
Filters on the
lens: there are many commercial filters that attach to the front
of the lens to modify the light entering your camera. Some are colored
to filter out different parts of the spectrum.
Yellow makes white clouds stand out against a blue sky. Green
makes green objects lighter (trees) and red objects darker (on black
and white film).
There are also filters that distort and add special efficts to the image-
starburst, diffusion etc.
You can use anything in front of your lens for special effect such as
saran wrap, nylon mesh, crinkled plastic---
Special Films:
Infrared film that is only sensitive to infrared (below red invisible)
light- available in rolls.
Orthochromatic film that is not sensitive to red light- can be used
with a red safelight. Orthochromatic film may be high contrast litho
film or continuous tone copy film. This film can be cut into small pieces
and placed inside your camera in the darkroom. This film can be developed
in dektol (print developer).
Paper negatives:
in place of film, you can put pieces of your printing paper in your
camera and make single or multiple exposures - experiment to get the
right exposure.
There are countless
other ways to do experimental photography- these will get your imagination
Hand coloring - Bas relief
- Cliché verre - Sabattier effect - Liquid light - Collage -
Pinhole camera - Mixed Media