Cazenovia College Photo Two SA162SA
Paul W Pearce
Tu Th 11:00am - 1:50pm
Reisman 06
This course will build off the material covered in Photography I, introducing students to the process of light sensitive materials, black and white film photography. Working with 35mm film cameras students will learn black and white darkroom procedures, an introduction to alternative techniques such as multiple printing, image collage and an introduction to a hybrid analog-digital workflow.
Photography exists because light can change material in a way that can be seen.
Starting with simple photograms and pinhole cameras we will discover the way light can be used to capture the world around us.
We use the darkroom to learn the chemistry behind developing and fixing images.
Starting out with simple box cameras we move up to 35mm cameras to do the bulk of work.
Later we introduce medium format (120) cameras and learn the benefits and challenges of larger film.
Focal lengths, and exposure meters are covered.
Students must provide their own film cameras (35mm or medium format roll film) with manual operations including focus, aperture and shutter speed adjustments. No automatic-only cameras are allowed. (Offered spring term) Prerequisites: SA 161 Photography I.
35mm Film camera
- must have manual controls over f/stop and shutter speed
Nomal (50mm) lens preferred
zoom lens ok
Medium format camera
We provide these cameras but if you have accesss to one (borow from familw/friend) it will be helpful.
Roll film:
About 10 rolls, Black and White, 36 exposures, ISO 400 or 100
120 (medium Format)
About 5 rolls, Black and white, ISO 100 or 400
8x10 size
Polycontrast or MultiGrade
Resin Coated (RC)
Glossy Surface
about 100 sheets
Plastic Film stoage sleeves
Magnifying Glass (Loupe)
You should already have a tripod and portable light