Cazenovia College Photo 1 (SA-161-01) Reisman Hall Paul Pearce
Office: Reisman Hall Photo Area - Office Hours Tu/Th 3-4pm
email: E-mail will be used for communication in this class.
You are responsible for checking your email and the website for information and updates.
This is an introductory photography class for students with little to no previous experience in photography. It will emphasize the capturing of images with the camera, not manipulating them with the computer. We will cover and use basic photo editing, printing, pdf and other presentation formats in the computer.
We will cover the use of the camera's basic controls to give control over motion and focus in the image.
We will examine the work of other photographers and aim to develop our own personal style.
Class Objectives:
• To enhance the way we look at the world around us
• To learn to use photography to create art in two dimensions.
• To become aware of the affects of light and shadow and how to modify or enhance with lights and reflectors..
• To understand the color qualities of light and how to comtrol and modify it.
• To use camera controls to go beyond the snapshot, creating images that our eye can’t see.
• To develop awareness of the use and effect of photographic images in our society.
• Going beyond the “pretty picture”.
• To become familiar with the basic history of creating images through photography.
• To learn to examine, interpret talk and write about photographs; to critique and appreciate the photo work of others.
• To prepare and share images in different formats and media: Print, Web, Projection
• To empower each photographer to develop a personal style and visual form of expression.
To acquire the knowledge and skills to create photographs through three parallel paths of understanding:
1] Processes: camera, computer, printer
2] Aesthetics: exerting artistic control, refining your eye; lighting, composition, point of view
3] Meaning: is there substance to these images, do they connect with the viewer, do they convey an idea or concept?
Class will consist of demonstrations and discussions followed by practical exercises and assignments.
There will be lab sessions during class hours where students work independently with instructor oversight.
Students will also need to spend out-of-class time every week to shoot photographs.
You will fill out self evaluation forms after each shoot to maintain a journal of your sucess and troubleshoot problems.
Students are encouraged to shoot many photographs and use their camera as much as possible.
We will explore photographers and photographic trends through videos and on-line research followed by feedback forms and discussions.
Information for assignments and Exercises, as well as photo based readings will be in handouts and/or online. These are to be studied before class so you will be prepared to discuss the topic or be prepared to work on the exercise.
Students are required to use their camera every week for exercises, assignments or personal expression.
Weekly sharing sessions with the class are an opportunity for peer feedback.
Students will create work in and out of class related to technical and aesthetic exercises- these will be evaluated for the final grade.
We will use class critiques and on-line forms to share ideas and evaluate reactions to each other’s work and multimedia presentations.
The photo area has policies and procedures for use of the lab and studio that are posted and available online.
Equipment requirements:
• Digital camera (not smart phone) A camera that can adjust the shutter speed, the lens aperture (f/stop) and manual focus.
• Support accessories: extra battery, battery charger, memory card for at least 200 images, backup memory card.
• Backup storage - external hard drive.
• Tripod
• Portable lamp (clamp light with fluorescent or LED bulb or equivalent)
Grading: Work will be graded on: individual progress and growth throughout the semester, originality, craftsmanship, technique, level of challenge and concept. Effort, class participation, and , especially, your sense of exploration; that is, your willingness to take risks in the process of creating art
The typical “A” student is a responsible and active learner who doesn’t take shortcuts. He or she will follow all steps in the creative process, not opting for an easy out when the project becomes difficult; will hand work in on time; will participate fully in class; will ask questions; will do extra work for the sheer pleasure and need to learn. As a result, his/her work will show considerable growth beyond previous technical, expressive and conceptual capabilities.
University Grading Policy- The grading policy is in accordance with the University grading policy, based on: 1. Successful completion of project requirements 2. Quality of production 3. Conceptual development of art work 4. Participation in critiques and discussions.
Assignments are evaluated according to the following criteria:
1. Technical 2. Formal 3. Assignment goal 4. Effort/Challenge/Creativity
Class Participation/Presentation will be factored into your grade. Critique attendance is mandatory.
Each criterion is measured on a scale of 1-4.
(4= excellent; 3=good; 2=average; 1=poor; 0=unsatisfactory)
Final Grades:
Exercises/ 30%, Assignments 30%, Quiz 10%, Reviews - research - forms 10%, Portfolio 20%
If you miss a critique or turn in an assignment late your grade will be reduced by one letter grade.
Assignments are not accepted at all if more than two weeks late.
You may re-do and assignment within one week for re-evaluation (only if initially turned in on time)
A/A- Excellent. Demonstrates a full understanding of techniques, concepts, and theories covered in class; exceeds class expectations, self-motivated and challenged; attends and participates in classes regularly. Submits new work (not assignment submissions) for the final portfolio.
B+/B/B- Good. Have completed the assignment well and attended classes and critiques.
C+/C/C- Average. Have completed the assignments, but without much effort and challenge.
D+/D/ Poor. If you are an art major, you will have to repeat this class with a “D” grade.
F Failing. Not met the requirements of the class.
College Policy on Intellectual Integrity: Intellectual integrity on the part of all students is basic to individual growth and development through college course-work. When academic dishonesty occurs, the teaching/learning climate is seriously undermined and student growth and development are impeded. For these reasons, any form of intellectual dishonesty is a serious concern and is therefore prohibited.
Academic Honesty Policy: Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Make sure you know what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. Any student who turns in plagiarized work will fail the course. A description of plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty are to be found at
Special Needs: Special needs students who require accommodations in classroom or outside work or test taking procedures should notify the Office of Special Services. Communicate with the instructor as soon as possible to put these accommodations in place in and out of the classroom.
Attendance: Attendance and punctuality are mandatory. You can’t learn if you are not here! If you must be absent contact the instructor as soon as possible. You are expected to make up any work you miss. Absence due to illness or hardship will be considered unexcused unless I am provided a written medical document.
Two late arrivals count as an absence. Coming unprepared to work counts as an absence. One or two missed classes do not affect your grade. These absences should be reserved for any time you have a conflict (work or travel etc.) or are not well enough to attend. Each absence beyond two will lower your final by one letter grade step (B to B-). With five absences you cannot successfully complete the class and should withdraw or risk failing. You must make up work that was done in any class you miss. If you miss a video presentation, you must make arrangements to view it on your time and write up a review or analysis.
Cell phone usage and text messaging during class is absolutely prohibited, as is personal use of laptops or other electronic devices. Before class you must turn your cell phones off. If you must have your cell phone available due to a crisis situation, you must notify the instructor before the start of class. At the discretion of the instructor, you may be permitted to leave your phone on "vibrate" mode. Use of text messaging during class will result in dismissal from class that day, and will be considered an unauthorized absence. -